Fix Various Mail Permission
: /scripts/mailperm
Sending message fails
This problem usually occurs when CSF ( Config Server Firewall ) is installed on your server and it is interacting with the working of squirrel mail. So while configuring CSF enable both SMTP_BLOCK & SMTP_ALLOWLOCAL . Enabling just SMTP_BLOCK can cause this issue.
$ vi /etc/csf/csf.conf
save and exit
restart csf.
This will fix.
To convert courier to dovecot please use the following two steps,
# /scripts/setupmailserver --force dovecot
# /scripts/convert2dovecot
Update webmails
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-roundcube --force
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-squirrelmail --force
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/update-horde --force
Squirrelmail not sending emails
vi /usr/local/cpanel/base/3rdparty/squirrelmail/config/config.php
just changed:
$useSendmail = false;
$useSendmail = true;
Reset Horde is a solution
/scripts/fullhordereset ———-Don’t do it until you find another solution. :)
Hope you would have got this issue often. The client cannot able to login to his Horde account to check his mail. He would have reached till the login screen and if he click “Login” it will stay back in the same screen instead of going to his inbox. Here is the fix for it,
Check the following first,
1. goto ” cd var/lib/mysql/horde ” and check if there is a file named ” horde_sessionhandler.frm “
2. move all the file named “horde_sessionhandler” with other name
3. Or you can goto mysql and can drop the table “horde_sessionhandler”. It will show error message some times. If so use the step 2, so that the table gets moved automatically.(Remember that if you are using step2 skip the step 3)
4. Now type in shell “mysql”
5. It will take to mysql prompt . type “use horde”;
6. copy this command and paste there :
CREATE TABLE horde_sessionhandler (session_id VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL, session_lastmodified INT NOT NULL, session_data LONGBLOB, PRIMARY KEY (session_id)) ENGINE = InnoDB;
7. quit from mysql and restart mysql.
8. Try now… Your issue is fixed!!!!!
Change current exim configuration
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