Friday, September 3, 2010


HyperVM installation consists of downloading either the or from and executing them as root. They will download all the required files and do the complete installation on their own. You will need to disable selinux. edit /etc/sysconfig/selinux and then run setenforce 0.

Before you start to install there are several things need to be prepared:

* Make sure that you open the ports 8888 and 8887 in the firewall.
* The boot loader must be GRUB.
* There must be a separate /boot partition. You can assign it 200MB.
* You should use LVM.The recommended disk configuration is:/boot /dev/hda1 (500MB)
/ /dev/mapper/vol00-root (8GB)
swap /dev/mapper/vol00-swap (1GB)

Installation commands to execute:

1. setenforce 0
2. wget
3. sh ./ –virtualization-type=xen

After installation finished, you need to modify your /etc/grub.conf file so Linux will boot with xen kernel, most of the time you’ll need to change the ‘default=1? to ‘default=0?, and reboot the machine. Remember that the ordering on Linux is always started with 0 and the kernel you have to boot will always contain ‘xen’ in its naming.

Once the machine boots back, just make sure you have the Xen kernel by doing a ‘uname -a’, and after that you can connect to ‘http://machine-name:8888?, and you will be presented with a login screen – the password would be ‘admin’. Once you login, HyperVM will explicitly force you to change the password to something other than ‘admin’.

Note: On fedora 6/centos 5, you will need to run the following commands for xen to work properly:


cd /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/

lphp.exe ../bin/misc/fixfc6xen.php


cd /usr/local/lxlabs/hypervm/httpdocs/

lphp.exe ../bin/misc/fixcentos5xen.php

Note 2: If you update the kernel at any point later, you will have to run the above commands again
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